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Outdoor Detectors:

 Soutdoor T

 Soutdoor L

 Soutdoor BC


Soutdoor-T is an outdoor detector, that can be used for all external installations. It can be programmed by PC software, for these reason it is very efficient and complete for any particular installation (in garden with a lot of plants, animals, sun, and other sources that cause false alarms).

It has maximum endurance, thanks to hight protection grade. You have also the possibility to change cover, with different lens, so Soutdoor-T is suggested for all types of installation (near wall for door and windows protection, in places reach of vegetables or in presence of animals).


- Outdoor detector programmable by PC software:

1. Complete programming of all detector’s function

2. Graphic visualization of each technology coverage

3. Possibility of consulting the last events, memorized by detector

4. Possibility of configuring the outputs

5. Possibility of configuring 4 PRESET working, based on requirements

6. Possibility of configuring pre-alarms, using one or more detector’s technologies


- Internal memory events, to verify which technology has generated alarm

- Detector with three technologies (2 PIR, 1 microwave)

- Cover with different lens, depending on the type of installation (volumetric, curtain vertical/horizontal)

- PET immunity adjustable with different weight

- Double anti-masking with active IR

- Back tamper, and anti-opening with microswitch

- Tamper anti-inclination with accelerometer when it is used with bracket

- 3 outputs relé free to be used for alarm functions, masking and blinding

- Input of block detector (exclusion microwave when the system is disarmed)

- Trimmer coverage regulation in the function stand alone

- Led two-colour Red and Green

- N° 6 Dip switches to setup functions: AND OR AUTO OR MULTIMPULSE PRESET, that you can

set up by pc (4 separate preset)


PIR Detectors:

 Smile 20

 Smile 20/P

 Smile 19

 Smile 19/P


EN 50131-2-2  /  GRADE 2 Approved

Smile19 is a Digital PIR detector, with an analysis system that takes into account the two most important changes that may occur during a movement: the speed and the intensity. With the simultaneous comparison of these two information, the detector is able to discriminate repetitive movements from intrusion, lowering the percentage of false alarms. With hight thermal variations, the totally digital temperature compensation system, guarantees a great performance. Has 15 mt coverage, with angle of 90°. With the special lens is equipped of creep zone. 

  • Available colours: white


Dual Technology Detectors:


video doors​

intercom system price​

two way intercom

front door video

security systems

fire systems


surveilance cameras 

alarm systems

συστήματα συναγερμού

συστήματα παρακολούθησης

κάμερες ασφαλείας

(Accessories for dual tecnology detectors)

 Mouce 02

Mouce 02/P

 Mouce 09

 Mouce 09/P






EN 50131-2-4  /  GRADE 2+3 Approved

Mouse is antimask dual technology detector with analysis system that takes into account the two most important changes that may occur during a movement: the speed and the intensity. 


Promask is the first born of a new generation of high-end digital detectors DT from AMC, indeed the functional features and multiple updates allows this detector to be on of the best products on the market.

Some updates:

- ANTIMASKING active on both technologies

- NOISE REDUCTION function for installation problems in terms of noise

- Activation and deactivation of the MICROWAVE EMISSION according to system status

- Internal/built in ACCELEROMETER, with position recognition, vertical and horizontal, with tamper, removing, mechanical shocks and orientation notifications with no need of any connection to the wall.

Available colours: white

Special Detectors:



(Accessories for special detectors)



Conform to EN 50131

GS1 is a microphone glass break detector. It is equipped with filters that allow to determinate different types of glass breakage. It has a range of about 8 meters, and can be installed in any position without compromising efficiency.

  • Available colours: white, dark brown


SS14 is a vibration/inertial detector designed for the protection of windows, cabinets, fixtures, and so on. It has a high-precision vibration sensor, which allows to determine the type of shock and/or vibration caused by an attempt to break through or forcing a frame. It is not necessary to use pulse analysis boards since everything is processed within the sensor itself.

It is equipped with 2 channels, contact REED and INERTIAL / FLIP.

  • Available colours: white, dark brown

Curtain Detectors:





Conform to EN 50131

GS1 is a microphone glass break detector. It is equipped with filters that allow to determinate different types of glass breakage. It has a range of about 8 meters, and can be installed in any position without compromising efficiency.

  • Available colours: white, dark brown


SS14 is a vibration/inertial detector designed for the protection of windows, cabinets, fixtures, and so on. It has a high-precision vibration sensor, which allows to determine the type of shock and/or vibration caused by an attempt to break through or forcing a frame. It is not necessary to use pulse analysis boards since everything is processed within the sensor itself.

It is equipped with 2 channels, contact REED and INERTIAL / FLIP.

  • Available colours: white, dark brown

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